Listen and don't repeat the same mistakes. Weird stuff happens when your young and full of piss and vinegar! ---
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· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. ---
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Just keep listening and you'll never get bored! ---
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· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. ---
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What would you do if you were sued for $4 million dollars, Have you ever said something that you have regretted? Oh and what about that fake parade we created out of thin air. And MORE! ---
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Right around 1979 as we were just building our show and trying new things, we pulled a character out of thin air! ---
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. ---
Don't Miss some of the fun times that we had doing morning radio on Atlanta's Z93. Just found out I can do Video Podcasts as well. See the Bride, See The Basset Hounds, see us doing a tv commercial in long underwear, and more...
In this podcast I discuss how anyone with passion can still make it. All you need is undying passion, extreme hunger, and a positive outlook. My Mantra for success in this ten year time span was, and still is: "Failure is not...
"I listened to you in Washington DC along with your partner Jim Elliott. You guys were hilarious. I can't wait to hear more stories. and thank you for doing this podcast."
"I am enjoying the podcasts. Scott tells great stories and he certainly has a lot of good ones. In order for me to listen to a podcast, I have to like the person’s voice. If I don’t like their voice, …"
"You continue to wow me on every one of your podcasts. How can one person have had so many experiences. I'm in sales and I truly believe that the more stories you have, the better you can relate to th…"